Eliminate disparities in mental health status and mental health care through the use of psychological and behavioral research and services that are culturally and linguistically competent. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Discuss the following in 150+ words with intext citations and references.

Discussion 1 – Explore contemporary issues in clinical psychology.

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Eliminate disparities in mental health status and mental health care through the use of psychological and behavioral research and services that are culturally and linguistically competent. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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Discussion 2 – Discuss the future of clinical psychology as a profession.

Discussion 3 – How do health care reform and managed care affect clinical psychology?

Discussion 4 – Below you will find the link to the APA response to the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act: http://www.apa.org/news/press/statements/affordable-care-act.aspx

Discussion 5 – APA Health Care Priorities: Records Privacy and Security

Below you will find a link to one of the APA health care priorities, Records Privacy and Security:  Priority: Include strong privacy and security records protection in the development of health information technology, with special attention to mental health records


Discussion 6 – APA Health Care Priorities: Psychological Research

Below you will find a link to one of the APA health care priorities, Psychological Research: Priority: Increase federal funding for basic and translational psychological and behavioral research and training to develop and evaluate empirically based treatments to improve health care


Discussion 7 – APA Health Care Priorities: Elimination of Health Care Disparities

Below you will find a link to one of the APA health care priorities, Elimination of Health Disparities:

Priority: Eliminate disparities in mental health status and mental health care through the use of psychological and behavioral research and services that are culturally and linguistically competent


Discussion 8 –  APA Health Care Priorities: Prevention and Wellness

Below you will find the link to on of the APA health care priorities, Prevention and Wellness:  Priority: Integrate mental and behavioral health care into primary care and other health-care services


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