English discussion: Did Ephron Make the Right Call? | Get Quick Solution

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English discussion: Did Ephron Make the Right Call? | Get Quick Solution
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Read “The Boston Photographs (Links to an external site.)” by Nora Ephron.

When you have finished the essay, ponder this question,

-In paragraph 9, Ephron quotes a newspaperman as saying that before printing Forman’s pictures of the woman and the child falling from the fire escape, editors should have asked themselves “what purpose they served and what their effect was likely to be on the reader.” If you were an editor, what would your answer be? By the way, the pictures were not taken in a poor neighborhood, and they did not expose slum conditions.

After you have “thought” about the questions, In your post please include the following:

  1. The number of the question you chose.
  2. Begin your post with your answer to the question (state an assertion) by incorporating the topic of the question into your sentence.
  3. After your thesis/assertion is stated, offer evidence/reasons for your claim.
  4. Feel free to use material from Ephron or your personal views.
  5. If you use any material from Ephron, you must cite it with an in text citation; failure to do so will result in your post portion of the score becoming a 0.

***The post must be at least 100 words.


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