English, Extra Credit Research Steps | Get Quick Solution

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Below, I have listed specific types of sources and/or information that you can offer as extra credit.

You may submit five extra credit sources if you would like, up to a maximum point value of 25 (each source is worth 5 points). If you submit more than one extra credit source, please make a list identifying each source and the category to which it belongs (e.g.: “Government Publication” or “Pamphlet”).

Locate and copy at least the title pages of any of the following which relate directly to your topic. Submit the copy of the title page with a TYPED list giving the MLA citation along with it.

  • Government Publication
  • Doctoral Dissertation or Master’s Thesis
  • Handbook
  • Pamphlet
  • Legal References
  • Letters

Any of the following non-print sources will also count as extra credit, provided that you see/hear them (and, thus, can describe them), and they relate directly to your topic. Submit copies, transcripts, or brief descriptions (3-4 sentence summary) with MLA citations attached.

  • Recordings
  • Works of art or musical compositions
  • Films, videos, filmstrips, slide presentations
  • Television or radio programs
  • Cartoons
  • Presentations, lecture, addresses
  • Performances
  • Maps and charts
  • Computer software


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