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The grieving child in “Spring and Fall: To a Young Child” is saddened by

  1. the loss of a friend.
  2. a severe illness.
  3. nature changing.

What is Kipling trying remind the people of the British Empire in “Recessional”?

a. The British Empire has made the world a safer place. b. The British Empire cannot be stopped.
c. The British Empire will not last forever.

In “Araby,” the narrator hopes to go to Araby and

a. be with his friends.
b. buy a gift for his uncle. c. buy a gift for a girl.

What new themes did Thomas Hardy and Rudyard Kipling bring to Victorian literature?

a. revenge and hatred
b. uncertainty and skepticism c. joy and happiness

In Churchill’s “Wartime Speech,” the phrase, “. . . we are ready to face it; to endure it; and to retaliate against it” is used to

a. depress the audience. b. inspire the audience. c. frighten the audience.

What information in the flashback in “The Demon Lover” is most important for the story’s ending?

  1. Mrs. Dover was engaged to a soldier who went missing in WWI.
  2. Mrs. Dover was very young when she had a relationship with a soldier.
  3. Mrs. Dover and her fiancé had never actually kissed each other.

____ 7.

How does Woolf disagree with the bishop in “Shakespeare’s Sister”?

  1. Woolf believes that a woman’s basic nature, not society, kept women from writing great works in Shakespeare’s time.
  2. Woolf believes that there were many great, but unknown, writers in the age of Shakespeare.
  3. Woolf believes that the society in Shakespeare’s time kept women from writing great works, not the inherent abilities of women.

What is the fate of Arsat’s brother in “The Lagoon”?

a. He is left on a lonely island.
b. He runs away with a girl he loves. c. He is killed as Arsat leaves.

In the excerpt from Mrs. Dalloway, in Clarissa Dalloway’s opinion, people are fools because

a. they fall in love.
b. they live in dirty cities. c. they love life.

What do the last two lines of the following stanza from “Recessional” do to the mood of the poem? “God of our fathers, known of old– / Lord of our far-flung battle-line– / Beneath whose awful Hand we hold / Dominion over palm and pine– / Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet / Lest we forget– lest we forget!”

  1. They create an old-fashioned experience.
  2. They create a sense of sincere desperation.
  3. They create a feeling of anger and abandonment.

Which adjectives would best describe the speaker in the poem “Remembrance”?

a. young and worry-free b. resigned and reflective c. furious and scared

In “The Lake Isle of Innisfree,” Yeats uses the island as a symbol of

a. mystery.
b. contentment. c. loneliness.

Rudyard Kipling emphasized the importance of British colonization to

  1. find more land for a growing population.
  2. bring “civilized” ways to the world.
  3. discover more natural resources.

The narrator’s feelings change from __________ in the story, “Araby.”

  1. lonely to hopeful and excited
  2. hopeful to miserable and angry
  3. angry to satisfied

The swans in “The Wild Swans at Coole” symbolize ____.

  1. youth and childhood
  2. freedom and timelessness
  3. sorrow and loss

____ 8.

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____ 13.

____ 14.

____ 15.

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____ 21.

____ 22.

____ 23.

____ 24.

The main idea of “To an Athlete Dying Young” is glory does not last forever. Which lines from the poem illustrate this idea.

a. “Eyes the shady night has shut / Cannot see the record cut.”
b. “The time you won your town the race / We chaired you through the marketplace;” c. “And early though the laurel grows / It withers


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