Environmental Geographic Distribution Of Mean Annual Rainfall In USA Follow the directions provided in the folder attached to complete assignment using the

Environmental Geographic Distribution Of Mean Annual Rainfall In USA Follow the directions provided in the folder attached to complete assignment using the ArcGis online website GEOG 130 Online
Activity 1: Geographic distribution of mean annual rainfall
Introduction: Annual precipitation averages give us some interesting information about the
physiographic and air circulation patterns of a region. In this activity you’ll investigate average annual
rainfall values for several US cities to understand geographic patterns of rainfall in this country.
Instructions: For this activity, please follow the instructions below. Be sure to use a distinct font color or
highlighting of your responses so I can identify them within the document. Once completed, save your
answers and upload to Blackboard before the deadline.
Use the ArcGIS Online link in the Blackboard menu (left side of the screen).
Log into your ArcGIS Online account
Once signed in, click on “Map” at the top of the screen
Today you’ll be using a map of the US precipitation, to do this:
o Click on the “Add” dropdown menu and select “Browse Living Atlas Layers”
o In the search box, type “USA Mean Rainfall” and then hit “Enter” on your keyboard
o In the results, select the “USA Mean Rainfall” by clicking on the “+” symbol.
o Now click on “Content” and click on the … next to USA Mean Rainfall. Go to
“Transparency” and set it to about 25% transparent. This way you can see the base map
underneath. You’ll need to be able to see the city names for this activity.
1. Take a screenshot of your map and paste below.
2. Go to the … again next to USA Main Rainfall and select “Show Item Details”. For what period of
time was this average annual rainfall mapped for?
3. Zoom in to the Boston area. Using the cursor, click on Boston to see the average rainfall values
in the popup window. Enter this average annual rainfall value in the table on the next page,
rounding to the first decimal place. Repeat this process for all cities listed.
4. Of the 5 regional north-south groupings in the table, which region has the most precipitation?
the least? Why do you think this is the case?
5. In all cases except 1, you’ll see that northern cities have less precipitation than southern cities.
Why do you think this is the case?
6. Why doesn’t San Francisco have more precipitation than Salem, Oregon?
7. Seattle, Washington is known as a very rainy city. Does this seem to be the case in comparison
with, say Boston? Why is this the case?
8. Finally, what about snowfall? Is this included in these values? One way to check is to research
“average precipitation” for some of the cities and compare with the values you found from this
ArcGIS Online map. Do this for one of the regions. What did you find?
Mean Rainfall (inches)
East Coast Cities from North to South
Boston, MA
Norfolk, VA
Jacksonville, FL
West Coast Cities from North to South
Seattle, WA
Salem, OR
San Francisco, CA
Rocky Mountain Cities from North to South
Helena, MT
Boulder, CO
Santa Fe, NM
Great Plains Cities from North to South
Sioux Falls, SD
Topeka, KS
Oklahoma City, OK
Mississippi River Valley Cities from North to South
St. Louis, MO
Memphis, TN
Baton Rouge, LA
GEOG 130 Online
Activity 1: Geographic distribution of mean annual rainfall
Introduction: Annual precipitation averages give us some interesting information about the
physiographic and air circulation patterns of a region. In this activity you’ll investigate average annual
rainfall values for several US cities to understand geographic patterns of rainfall in this country.
Instructions: For this activity, please follow the instructions below. Be sure to use a distinct font color or
highlighting of your responses so I can identify them within the document. Once completed, save your
answers and upload to Blackboard before the deadline.
Use the ArcGIS Online link in the Blackboard menu (left side of the screen).
Log into your ArcGIS Online account
Once signed in, click on “Map” at the top of the screen
Today you’ll be using a map of the US precipitation, to do this:
o Click on the “Add” dropdown menu and select “Browse Living Atlas Layers”
o In the search box, type “USA Mean Rainfall” and then hit “Enter” on your keyboard
o In the results, select the “USA Mean Rainfall” by clicking on the “+” symbol.
o Now click on “Content” and click on the … next to USA Mean Rainfall. Go to
“Transparency” and set it to about 25% transparent. This way you can see the base map
underneath. You’ll need to be able to see the city names for this activity.
1. Take a screenshot of your map and paste below.
2. Go to the … again next to USA Main Rainfall and select “Show Item Details”. For what period of
time was this average annual rainfall mapped for?
3. Zoom in to the Boston area. Using the cursor, click on Boston to see the average rainfall values
in the popup window. Enter this average annual rainfall value in the table on the next page,
rounding to the first decimal place. Repeat this process for all cities listed.
4. Of the 5 regional north-south groupings in the table, which region has the most precipitation?
the least? Why do you think this is the case?
5. In all cases except 1, you’ll see that northern cities have less precipitation than southern cities.
Why do you think this is the case?
6. Why doesn’t San Francisco have more precipitation than Salem, Oregon?
7. Seattle, Washington is known as a very rainy city. Does this seem to be the case in comparison
with, say Boston? Why is this the case?
8. Finally, what about snowfall? Is this included in these values? One way to check is to research
“average precipitation” for some of the cities and compare with the values you found from this
ArcGIS Online map. Do this for one of the regions. What did you find?
Mean Rainfall (inches)
East Coast Cities from North to South
Boston, MA
Norfolk, VA
Jacksonville, FL
West Coast Cities from North to South
Seattle, WA
Salem, OR
San Francisco, CA
Rocky Mountain Cities from North to South
Helena, MT
Boulder, CO
Santa Fe, NM
Great Plains Cities from North to South
Sioux Falls, SD
Topeka, KS
Oklahoma City, OK
Mississippi River Valley Cities from North to South
St. Louis, MO
Memphis, TN
Baton Rouge, LA

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