Equation of Tangent Line to Function Derivative Problem Set Be sure to look over the lecture before beginning this problem set. You may use a graphing calc

Equation of Tangent Line to Function Derivative Problem Set Be sure to look over the lecture before beginning this problem set. You may use a graphing calculator. 6 problems, 2 points per problem for correct answers.

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Equation of Tangent Line to Function Derivative Problem Set Be sure to look over the lecture before beginning this problem set. You may use a graphing calc
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1. Write the equation of the tangent line to function at the given point.

2. Determine whether the Mean Value Theorem can be applied to f(x) on the closed interval provided. If MVT can be applied find f(c) (the average value).

Choose any 4 of the following problems and find the derivative. Be sure to indicate on your answers which problems you choose.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.


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