Essay 1 Draft | Get Quick Solution

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In this first stretch of our trek through English 124, we have learned about Joseph Campbell’s concept of the Hero’s Journey, and we have read and discussed various stories about individuals who find themselves on the hero’s path. We’ve also begun considering how our own lives might reflect the Hero’s Journey. It’s now time to take our thoughts about these topics and put them into words to share with others.

Writing Prompt:

Choose one of the assigned readings for class (Beowulf, “Zlateh the Goat,” or “Scheherazade”), and write an academic essay in which you explain Joseph Campbell’s concept of the Hero’s Journey and provide at least three strong examples (including quoted evidence from the chosen text) about how that story reflects (or deviates from) established stages of the Hero’s Journey. Conclude with a reflection of the story, the Hero’s Journey, and what we, your readers, can gain or learn from your analysis. Aside from the story and sources about the Hero’s Journey, students are not expected to do additional research for this assignment.


  1. Write a 4- to 6-page academic essay in MLA format.
  2. Begin with an introductory paragraph that hooks your reader’s attention, provides background information about the Hero’s Journey and your chosen story, and leads seamlessly into a clearly stated thesis.
  3. Develop body paragraphs which incorporate quoted and detailed evidence from our course materials (use your chosen story and information provided in Unit 1 about the Hero’s Journey) while using proper MLA format to cite the texts. Quoted evidence should be incorporated thoughtfully and thoroughly into the essay by establishing context, introducing the quoted passages, and explaining how the passages support the main ideas of the body paragraphs and the essay as a whole.
  4. Conclude your essay with a reflection of the story, the Hero’s Journey, and what we, your readers, can gain or learn from your analysis.
  5. Include a Works Cited page


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