Essay about wearing a mask. | Get Quick Solution

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Essay about wearing a mask. | Get Quick Solution
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Use this template to build the body paragraphs for your rough draft. Your supporting points and counter perspective are listed below. The first body paragraph from your starting draft is included, and you may edit it here. Don’t forget to include in-text citations in SWS style.


Section 1: Supporting Point 1

Draft your first paragraph to develop supporting point 1, which was:

People with weekend immune system has a higher risk or getting seriously ill

. Body paragraphs should be 5–7 sentences and include a topic sentence, evidence, and analysis. Cite sources in SWS style.

  • Wearing a mask would prevent the virus from spreading at a high rate because the virus spreads rapidly when measures towards social distancing and the wearing of masks are not observed. The virus lingers in the air as tiny droplets; wearing a mask will prevent people from sneezing and cough in the open air. Wearing masks can prevent the wearer from transmitting the virus to others, and at the same time, the wearer will be protected from contracting the disease. To achieve universal mask-wearing and social distancing, everyone has to be responsible. Wearing a mask and keeping social distance will reduce the transmission rate of the virus in the community (Lyu & Wehby, 2020). Reducing the spreading rate in the community would prevent the number of old people and people with weakened immune systems from being infected, leading to substantial reductions in deaths and case numbers.

Draft your second paragraph to develop supporting point 1. Cite sources in SWS style.

Section 2: Supporting Point 2

Draft your first paragraph to develop supporting point 2, which was:

older people are much more likely to be in icu

. Body paragraphs should include a topic sentence, evidence, and analysis. Cite sources in SWS style.

Draft your second paragraph to develop supporting point 2. Cite sources in SWS style.

Section 3: Supporting Point 3

Draft your first paragraph to develop supporting point 3, which was:

everyone has the power to make a difference

. Body paragraphs should include a topic sentence, evidence, and analysis. Cite sources in SWS style.

Draft your second paragraph to develop supporting point 3. Cite sources in SWS style.

Section 4: Counter Perspective

Draft a paragraph of 5–7 sentences that addresses at least one counter perspective to your position. Cite sources in SWS style. The counter perspective from your outline is:

Even though kids are not at a greater risk for developing any serious illness it doesn’t clear them from getting sick.



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