Essay on Antigone Answer question 3 on attached document below on the play Antigone by Sophocles.Write a 4 parapgraph essay Make sure you have a clear thes | Homework Answers

Essay on Antigone Answer question 3 on attached document below on the play Antigone by Sophocles.Write a 4 parapgraph essay Make sure you have a clear thesis at the end of first paragraph 1 ‘Is he not my brother, and yours?
I shall never desert him, never’ (128)
What ideas of selfhood are present in Antigone?
2 ‘I know my duty, where my true duty lies’ (129)
Discuss the role played by either morality or obligation in Antigone
3 ‘O think, Antigone, we are women; it is not for us
To fight against men; our rulers are stronger than we’ (128)
What can be learned from Antigone about Ancient Greek attitudes to either public
discussion and debate, or women, or the origins and limits of political authority?
4 ‘That order did not come from God. Justice,
That dwells with the gods below, knows no such law’ (138)
Is there a conflict between justice and law or the individual and the state in Antigone?

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Essay on Antigone Answer question 3 on attached document below on the play Antigone by Sophocles.Write a 4 parapgraph essay Make sure you have a clear thes | Homework Answers
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