Evaluate the pros and cons of linking electronic health records (EHR) to at least three clinical information systems (e.g.,. LIS, PIS, RIS, etc. and physician mobile devices). | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Review the following article from this week’s required reading:

Murphy, J. (2011). Information systems & technology. Patient as center of the health care universe: A closer look at patient-centered careNursing Economic$, 29(1), 35-37.

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Evaluate the pros and cons of linking electronic health records (EHR) to at least three clinical information systems (e.g.,. LIS, PIS, RIS, etc. and physician mobile devices). | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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Prepare a paper that meets or exceeds the following requirements:

  • Compose a brief summary of the author’s main points.
  • Assess the value and challenges of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), in general, and of computerized physician order entry systems (CPOEs), in specific, to achieve the patient-centered care goals set forth in the article.
  • Evaluate the pros and cons of linking electronic health records (EHR) to at least three clinical information systems (e.g.,. LIS, PIS, RIS, etc. and physician mobile devices).
  • Explain and defend the rationale for classifying EHR, CPOEs, and CDSS as patient-centered management systems.


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