Examine one of your writing goals, and discuss the ways you have been working to to meet it. | Get Quick Solution

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Examine one of your writing goals, and discuss the ways you have been working to to meet it. | Get Quick Solution
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You should write at least 1 page (~400-500 words)

You should make specific references to resources from the course (in-class discussions, course text, Canvas materials, etc.) and connect them to strategies you are trying or should try in the future. For example, the course text provides very specific methods to improve style, sentence structure, etc.You might refer to one of those methods, and show how you use it to improve a sentence, paragraph,etc. (i will send you the specific references i want you to include)

You may write in the first person, and should reflect honestly about your experiences.

Suggested Structure:


Identify the writing goal. (I will send you my goal once you accept the bid, it is simple don’t worry about it)


Discuss your challenges and concerns before working on this goal–do you have an example sentence or paragraph where you observe this issue happening? Have readers described a problem to you? Tell me a little about why this is an fitting goal for your writing.


Reflect on the steps you’ve taken or will take to improve. Specific examples from the course are important here!


Reflect on whether you have observed any improvements thus far. Sometimes, writing improvement takes time, and so it’s ok if you still have work to do. Self-awareness of a writing issue is important–do you think you’re better able to spot problems before they make it to your reader?


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