explore project | Browse Homework Help

explore project.

Develop a holiday itinerary for a holiday in Iceland and should be of 5 days duration. You must submit a document setting out the opportunity you have identified and

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giving the details (including prices and costs) of the holiday you are proposing.

You should:
€¢    Demonstrate an understanding of Explore’s positioning in its existing market and develop a holiday in keeping with this position in content and pricing
€¢    Include an overview of your holiday itinerary including details of accommodation, excursions and other attractions.
€¢    Include holiday costs for all included activities, travel and accommodation
€¢    Propose holiday pricing with details of breakeven and profitability
€¢    Include an overview of competition for your holiday tour

Choice of Segment and Holiday Outline
You have a large data set to analyse which you will find on your Business Pod BREO site under the Explore data folder.  Using the data provided you should choose to

target one segment for your new holiday offer.  We are still quite flexible about the nature of the segment you target, it can be an identifiable segment of the

existing customer base of Explore or a segment to extend the reach of the company into new areas but which still matches the Explore ethos and strengths. The holiday

must be located within Iceland and be of 5 days duration.  You do not have to include the flights to, or from, Iceland but you must include all travel which forms an

integral part of the holiday.

and also you’re meant to write a 500 words reflection on the project


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