Eye color in cats are due to simple dominant genes | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

a) Assume fur color and eye color in cats are due to simple dominant genes, with black fur being dominant and white fur being recessive, and brown eyes being dominant and green eyes being recessive. What would the genotypes and phenotypes of both F1 andF2 generations if we crossed a black cat with brown eyes(homozygous for both traits) with a white cat with green eyes(homozygous for both traits)?

b) Using the same characteristics outlined in part (a), what arethe expected genotypes and phenotypes for the F1 generation if wecross a black cat with brown

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eyes from the F1 generation from part(a) with a pure breeding white cat with green eyes?

c) Using the same characteristics outlined in part (a), what are the expected genotypes and phenotypes for the F1 generation if wecrossed a pure breeding black cat with green eyes with a purebreeding white cat with green eyes?


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