Final Version writing and add further details to wrap up the essay

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Final Version writing and add further details to wrap up the essay
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Description (and Step by Step)

The Part 5 final draft will be a polished 1,200 – 1,400-word essay that analyzes how these visual arguments reflect the concerns of the stakeholder and discusses visual rhetorical strategies that establish relationships between the two images. This draft should include a thesis, all major points, evidence to support these points (including in-text citations from appropriate sources), and a Works Cited page. The draft must also include the two images embedded into your Project 2 final version.

You should support the claims you make about the visual rhetorical strategies that establish relationships between the two images and the stakeholder’s goals, using primary and secondary research. You should include at least three sources in your Project 2 Final Version, one primary source from the stakeholder’s website along with two secondary resources that reference the stakeholder and/or the images used.

Step by Step

  1. Review Steps 1-5, noted on your Part 2 Intermediate Draft Project Description and in the above Part 5 Final Draft Description
  2. Review the class content and homework assignments from your Intermediate draft submission and determine the final draft additions or revisions you may need to make based on this new information
  3. Thoroughly review all feedback offered through peer review and by your instructor and determine the revisions needed for your final draft based on your critical assessment of the feedback received and your own revision plan that will guide your work.
  4. In addition to significantly revising your draft, present a polished draft that attends to grammar and surface issues, and use proper format as identified by your instructor.


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