Find linear acceleration of component as it travels down | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

A robot unloads a finished component from a machine and places it on a gravity convetor, the component accelerates from rest until it reaches the bottom of the conveyor 4.5 seconds later,the component is travelling at a velocity of 1.35m/s when it reaches the bottom of the conveyor where it is then stopped by hitting a buffer. the component sits stationary awaiting packaging. with a full breakdown of working out answer the following questions.

A. Determine the linear acceleration of the component as it travels down the gravity conveyor(ignoring frictional forces)

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B.the conveyor section length is later madified and extended by a further 1.5m. Determine the new velocity of the components when they reach the buffer

C. explain the cause of the components accelerating from rest down the conveyor.

D.determine the force exerted by the component of mass of 4kg downward on the conveyor as it sits at the buffer.

E. explain why the component does not accelerate down through the conveyor whilst resting at the buffer.


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