Finding the better buy, Suppose if you can purchase corn | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Question: Suppose if you can purchase corn grain or sorghum for $320 per ton as fed for energy, which is the better buy and why? The lab results indicate that the corn is 87% DM and has 3.16 Mcal of ME/kg of DM while the sorghum is 92%DM and has 2.82 Mcal of ME/kg of DM.
3. Formulate 100 pounds of a mixed feed that is 16% CP using corn and soybean meal. The corn is 87% DM, 9% CP on a DM basis. The soybean meal is 88% DM, 49% CP on a DM basis. Remember, you must calculate the ration on a DM basis, then convert to As Fed basis (so you know how much of each feed to weigh to put in the mixer). You are making the 100 pounds on a dry matter basis, so your final amounts of corn and SBM will aID up to be more than 100 pounds on an as-fed basis.
4. Reformulate the same mixed feed as in question 3 but allow 10% of the total
DM to be used for mineral and vitamin supplements and other aIDitives that do not have any CP content.

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Finding the better buy, Suppose if you can purchase corn | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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