Florida Atlantic University Corporate Entrepreneurship Questions 1. To be cognitively flexible seems to require that the entrepreneur continually question

Florida Atlantic University Corporate Entrepreneurship Questions 1. To be cognitively flexible seems to require that the entrepreneur continually question himself or herself. Doesn’t that create a doubt that can be seen by employees and financiers such that success actually becomes more difficult to achieve? Besides, although flexibility is a good thing, if the firm keeps changing based on minor changes in the environment, the buyers are going to become confused about the nature of the firm. Is adaptation always a good thing?2. Isn’t “corporate entrepreneurship” an oxymoron? Do the characteristics of an established organization, such as its routines and structure, increase efficiency but at the same time kill any entrepreneurial spirit? Is there any way that a company can have the best of both worlds? 3. Come up with ONE example of firms that have used imitation as a way of reducing the risk of entry. What aspects of risk was it meant to reduce? Was it successful? What aspects of the firm were not generated by imitation, made the firm unique, and were a potential source of advantage over competitors? 4. Do you think that the Internet can be a source of advantage for one firm over other firms or do you think that it is a necessity just to be able to compete? Be prepared to justify.5. Is going international something that only large and established firms should pursue after they have achieved success in their domestic markets “right off the bat”? Which sorts of products are more amenable to “going international” by small and new firms?

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