Foucaults power knowledge and Saids Orientalism Write 1 page and 1/2- 2 pages. Your document needs to be double space, New Times Roman 12, page #, and bibl | Homework Answers

Foucaults power knowledge and Saids Orientalism Write 1 page and 1/2- 2 pages. Your document needs to be double space, New Times Roman 12, page #, and bibliography. You also need a “TITLE”. The question is: 1. Discuss the similarities between Foucault’s “power-knowledge” and Said’s “Orientalism”. Provide an example related to media representation and drug trafficking.

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Foucaults power knowledge and Saids Orientalism Write 1 page and 1/2- 2 pages. Your document needs to be double space, New Times Roman 12, page #, and bibl | Homework Answers
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