french fables and folktales | Browse Homework Help

Paper instructions:
As I stated in this module’s Overview, your last project is to choose a topic relating to French fables and folktales

that we have NOT discussed anywhere in this course, and do some research on it. Pick your favorite person, thing, place,

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story type, etc. from this excellent selection (OR see my strong encouragements below!): . Remember, wikipedia is ONLY a start! You must include THREE other websites (or if you

prefer print media, that’s fine) that illuminate your topic; complete URLs must be given. Also, you may provide a link to a

youtube video, if applicable, but, like wikipedia, youtube does NOT count in your other THREE websites!

Basically, the more visuals you have, the merrier. Include pics, or timelines, or graphs and charts and such (ONLY if

applicable to your project, of course!). At the very least include the links to them, whether to a website or to your own

creation. Attachments may be uploaded as well. You may construct a PowerPoint slide show if you wish, but the TEXT of your

paper still must be 8-10 pages, DOUBLE-SPACED. Don’t forget a complete, detailed bibliography at the end! Submission formats:

.doc, .docx, .pdf, or .txt. PowerPoints only as .ppt or .pptx.

Other STRONG encouragements: How about the folklore of Quebec/Acadia (= French Canada)? Or how about the folklore of

Haiti? Of French West Africa? French Polynesia?

Or if architecture and mythology is your thing, how about the history of Gargoyles?

Or if fairies are your thing, how about Morgan le Fay?

Or if fairy tale editors/writers are your thing, how about Sophie, the Countess of Segur? Household name in France, but

virtually unknown in the USA. Ditto the tales in her 19th-century collection. Born and raised in Russia, her father allegedly

had a lot to do with driving Napoleon I from Moscow in 1812. Read all about her interesting yet sad life: The Gutenberg Project has her complete volume, under the title Old French Fairy

Tales, first appearing in English in 1920 by a Philadelphia, PA publisher: You’ve probably

never heard of any of those tales!

Or€¦get this: how about the incredible and incredulous history of the cult of Saint Guinefort, who was a 13th-century

French greyhound. Yes, you heard correctly, a dog!!! Combines myth, ritual, Christian iconography and legend, witchcraft,

paganism€¦. all condemned from the get-go by the Catholic church, and not finally suppressed until the 1930s (!?!?). A

French movie loosely based on this cult came out in 1987, called The Sorceress; the complete subtitled version is on youtube,

last I looked€¦..


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