​From the 1930s to the 1950s, how important was the economy or standards of living to American ideals, particularly of civil rights? | Get Quick Solution

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​From the 1930s to the 1950s, how important was the economy or standards of living to American ideals, particularly of civil rights? | Get Quick Solution
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From the 1930s to the 1950s, how important was the economy or standards of living to American ideals, particularly of civil rights? Identify how rights were defined in the examples that you use. Explain using examples pulled from the course reader (Links to an external site.) (http://www.americanyawp.com/reader.html (Links to an external site.)).

Answer this assignment, in 750 words. You must cite a total of 4 different primary sources from Chapters 23 to 26.

To quote a primary source, do the following: put quotations around the section you are citing, then a coma, and, in parentheses, put the name of the writer and the title of the piece; i.e. “this is how it works,” (Deutsch, This Document).


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