Fundraising letter to collect food for the people in need in Thanksgiving. | Get Quick Solution

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Fundraising letter to collect food for the people in need in Thanksgiving. | Get Quick Solution
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Fundraising letter to collect food for the people in need in thanksgiving.

The fundraising letter should be directed to the catholic students population.

the letter should include:

1-the type of food which are canned food or the dry food not food the food that expire without fridge.

2- the letter must include a date and time for the people who are donating you can use (10/10/2020) time from 2PM TO 5PM.

The letter is not meant to be send out to the student it is for my English composition class.

I will attach a fundraising letter that we have discussed in class and asked to write a similar one.

please see the attached pictures and follow it logically and write a similar way. and try to use the bold words in the letter I attached.


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