Give analysis and definition of the research method to be used in your research proposal | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

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Name your document SU_PHE3025_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

Research Proposal

Visit the CDC website and read the report “Advancing the Nation’s Health: A Guide to Public Health Research Needs2006–2015?. Select a topic related to public health care from the CDC’s report or from the following:

  • Health disparities: Chronic diseases
  • Environmental health
  • Impact of infectious diseases on public health

Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about your chosen topic on public health care. Based on your research and understanding, create a research proposal in a 5- to 6-page Microsoft Word document that includes the following:

  • A brief introduction to the chosen topic on public health care
  • A brief description of the various components of a research proposal
  • The problem statement
  • At least five research questions
  • An analysis and definition of the research method to be used in your research proposal
  • An analysis and identification of the research measures and design methodologies that you plan to use in your research proposal
  • A description of different types of threats that you think would affect the validity of your research proposal, and an identification and explanation of the strategies to minimize them.
  • A data analysis plan to use to collect data for your research proposal
  • A reference page
  • A logical data analysis strategy based on the research question and types of data collected
  • A conclusion that ties everything together

Support your responses with examples as well as in-text citation of sources.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Submission Details Grading Criteria is provided below


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