Give some examples of what you have observed in the following areas: language, social communication, sensory needs, behaviors and motor skills. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

This week, choose one of the following activities, and then write up the answers to the questions and your reflections on the blog as directed below:

  • Observe someone with a chronic illness in their natural environment. What are some of the characteristics that you observe? Are they comfortable or in pain? Try to focus in on their language, social communication, behaviors and motor skills. What did you learn by completing this observation?
  • Watch a movie where one of the characters portrays someone with a chronic illness. What are some of the characteristics that you observe? Give some examples of what you have observed in the following areas: language, social communication, sensory needs, behaviors and motor skills. Did you learn anything new from completing this observation.

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Give some examples of what you have observed in the following areas: language, social communication, sensory needs, behaviors and motor skills. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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