Go to the Troy online libraries. Look at the ProQuest databases. Find an article, thesis, or dissertation on a work that you read, or an author of a work in your book. Prepare a Works Cited entry for it. https://trojan.troy.edu/library/ (Links to an | Get Quick Solution

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Go to the Troy online libraries. Look at the ProQuest databases. Find an article, thesis, or dissertation on a work that you read, or an author of a work in your book. Prepare a Works Cited entry for it. https://trojan.troy.edu/library/ (Links to an | Get Quick Solution
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Go to the Troy online libraries. Look at the ProQuest databases. Find an article, thesis, or dissertation on a work that you read, or an author of a work in your book.

Prepare a Works Cited entry for it.

https://trojan.troy.edu/library/ (Links to an external site.)

Writing Strategies

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Go to the Troy online libraries. Visit JSTOR and EBSCO databases. Find an article on an author of one of the works you read. Prepare a Works Cited entry for it. Troy Library https://trojan.troy.edu/library/ (Links to an external site.)

How to Use Encyclopedia Information in Your School Papers and Essays (Links to an external site.)How to Use Encyclopedia Information in Your School Papers and Essays


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