Have you ever been the victim of a crime? A property crime? A violent crime? | Get Quick Solution

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Have you ever been the victim of a crime? A property crime? A violent crime? | Get Quick Solution
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Have you ever been the victim of a crime? A property crime? A violent crime? Sharing your experience is completely voluntary AND totally private- I would never share what you submit to me with anyone else. If you do not feel comfortable sharing a personal experience, you may share a “fictional” experience or something that was experienced by a friend or loved one. In any case, I would like for you to pretend that I am the judge who will sentence the perpetrator that committed the crime against you. Please see the attached instructions on how to write a victim impact statement and write a victim impact statement of your own, to me, explaining how this crime has affected your life and how you wish for me to sentence the offender and why.


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