Hawaii | Browse Homework Help


1. what are the major advantages of focusing on visitor expenditures rather than visitor arrivals in setting goals and objectives in tourism plans?
2. what are the potential dangers or limitations of just using the expenditure-based approach to setting tourism goals and objectives?
3. How important is it for a destination like Hawaii to measure resident’s sentiments about tourism and how might the resultes influence future tourism plans?
4. Tourism is an extremely important economic activity for Hawaii. However, figures released in Dec 2009 showed a sharp decline of 11.7 percent in the expenditures of visitors who arrived in the state by air for the first 11 months of 2009, htt://hawaii.gov/dbedt/. Discuss what type of new plan Hawaii could develop to reverse this negative trend, especially given the bleak economic conditions in its major source markets in 2008-2009.

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