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I’m trying to study for my English course and I need some help to understand this question.

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Step 1: First, please carefully review your Essay 1 prompt: Essay 1 Prompt & Reflection

Links to an external site.Step 2: By Friday at 11:59 pm, submit your rough draft of Essay 1.

You can copy paste it into the discussion board or (preferably) attach it as a file. You will click “Reply” and attach your draft in a similar way as you have done for discussions or annotation in the past.

Step 3: Check back in on Saturday morning. I will have matched you up with a partner (I will send out a partner list as an announcement). Once you see who your partner is, find his or her post, download the rough draft, and make as many helpful comments and suggestions on it as you can. You can use the insert comment function on word, or you can simply write your comments in red.

Step 4: Once you are done commenting, go onto the next page (add a new page to the writer’s essay) and answer the following questions:

  1. Does the author present the issue of educational borders in his or her introduction? Is the attention grabber effective? Is the background information sufficient?
  2. Does the introduction have a clear thesis as its last sentence? Does the thesis answer the questions in the prompt?
  3. Does the writer have at least four body paragraphs developed in PIE structure?
  4. Does the first paragraph focus on his or her education barrier? Does the second body paragraph focus on ways to overcome barriers? Does the third body paragraph focus on the importance of getting an education? Does the fourth body paragraph focus on a solution to a current educational problem?
  5. Does the writer use strong examples from both his or her personal life and the sources we read or viewed? Is there explanation/reflection after each example?
  6. Are all examples from the articles or videos introduced properly according to our Incorporating Quotes in Research Handout? Is the paper formatted in MLA style? Is there a works cited page in the end? (Remember, you can refresh your understanding of MLA here: MLA Formatting.)
  7. Does the writer have a conclusion that restates the thesis and gives a final thought?
  8. What would you say are the paper’s greatest strengths? What did the writer do particularly well?
  9. What should the writer focus on most as he or she revised the paper? What can be most improved?

Step 5: By Sunday, at 11:59pm, hit “Reply” to your partner’s original post. Attach the draft with comments and the questions answered so that your partner can review them and make changes to his or her essay before the due date (Wednesday of next week).


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