​HIST-1302 F007 1 United States History Since 1877 | Get Quick Solution

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​HIST-1302 F007 1 United States History Since 1877 | Get Quick Solution
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What were the major policies of the Nixon administration on social and economic issues?

How did Vietnam and the Watergate scandal affect popular trust in the government?

In what ways did the opportunities of most Americans diminish in the 1970s?

What were the roots of the rise of conservatism in the 1970s?

How did the Reagan presidency affect Americans both at home and abroad?

What was the purpose of Shetterly’s Hidden Figures? Did you learn anything from the reading that you did not know before regarding NASA and space exploration?

History of the Berlin Wall

How did the information in the video compare with the textbook? Did you learn anything new about the Berlin Wall from the video? If so, what?

Story of Us: Reagan and the 80’s

How did the information in the video compare with the textbook? Did you learn anything new about the Reagan presidency and/or the 1980’s? If so, what?

Discuss anything else you found interesting in the reading or films for this week.


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