How does the ACA try to cut COSTS within the health system? Can you think of a way it may actually increase costs? | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

This module you learned about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and how it is going to aIDress three balancing goals within the United States’ health care system: 1.) access, 2.) costs, and 3.) quality.

In a 1-2 page paper, please answer the following questions in APA format. Please provide at least 2 examples for each of the questions below:

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How does the ACA try to cut COSTS within the health system? Can you think of a way it may actually increase costs? | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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  1. How does the ACA strive to increase ACCESS to care? Can you think of a downside this may cause?
  2. How does the ACA try to cut COSTS within the health system? Can you think of a way it may actually increase costs?
  3. How does the ACA attempt to increase the QUALITY of care received by patients?
  4. Do you think all three goals can be effectively reached? For example, can you increase access and reduce costs while increasing quality?



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