How is their simplistic structure an asset to them when establishing an infection? | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Bacteria that cause human disease are prokaryotic cells.

  • How is their simplistic structure an asset to them when establishing an infection?
  • Describe and explain at least three (3) reasons.

Respond in sentence/paragraph format with a MINIMUM of 5 sentences. Provide a reference

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How is their simplistic structure an asset to them when establishing an infection? | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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o        2. Cellular transport allows cells to move vital substances in and out of the cell membrane.

  • Can the current method be improved upon?
  • Acting as a cellular engineer, redesign one mechanism of transport across the membrane (diffuction, osmosis, active transport, exocytosis, or endocytosis).
  • Briefly outline your new design.
  • How does your design benefit the cell?

Respond in sentence/paragraph format with a MINIMUM of 5 sentences. Provide a reference


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