How many bamh1 cut sites are present in lsu1 | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Linear double stranded DNA- sample LSU1- is digested with 2 restriction endonucleases (separately and together) and the following bands are observed after electrophoresis ( quantities represent length in bp): BamH1:1,9 and 13.5;EcoR1: 3, 3.5, 4, and 13. BamH1 and EcoR1: 12, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, and 8.

a. How many BamH1 cut sites are present in LSU1 ? Justify your answer in one sentence.

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b. How many EcoR1 cut sites are present in LSU1? Justify your answer in one sentence.

c. Based on the given band sizes, construct a restriction endonuclease enzyme site map and illustrate the total size of LSU 12, their reletive position and distance between all adjacent restriction sites.


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