How to prevent challenging behaviors in children? | Get Quick Solution

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How to prevent challenging behaviors in children? | Get Quick Solution
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Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Setting Up your Classroom to Prevent Challenging Behaviors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

After reading Chapters 7 and 8 of the course text, and the resource listed above, choose one of the following topics to address within your discussion prompt this week:

  • Physical space (environment)
  • Schedules, procedures, and transitions
  • Curriculum

Once you have selected a topic, discuss the items you must consider about your chosen topic when working to prevent challenging behaviors in young children. Additionally, share how you will promote prevention in your classroom. Based on your choice, address the following prompts below:

  • Physical space (environment): Describe three factors to consider when you are arranging the physical environment of your classroom.
  • Schedules, procedures, and transitions: Describe three techniques for easing transitions.
  • Curriculum: Explain how one of the curricula described in Chapter 8 may prevent challenging behavior.
  • Make sure to cite the class text in your response.

Course Text:

Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing, and responding effectively (4th ed.).

Resources to consider:

McLaughlin, T., & Bishop, C. (2015). Setting up your classroom to prevent challenging behaviors (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from…

Supporting and responding to behavior: Evidence-based classroom strategies for teachers (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. (n.d.). Retrieved from…

Scholastic. (n.d.). Lessons and ideas (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from…


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