How will you counsel the patient on the given disease | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Assignment: Endocrine System

Choose thyroid, parathyroid, or the adrenal gland and choose one disease affecting this part of the en-docrine system. Research this disease and include a case study in your paper on a patient that you might see in your clinic.

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Write a 2-3 page paper.

AIDress the following in your paper:

• Make sure to include the patients, age, gender, symptoms, tests ordered, final diagnosis.
• How will you counsel the patient on this disease and how to manage it?
• Could it have been prevented and how?
• Make sure to include all references in APA format and use your own words.
• It is encouraged to use at least two sources to enhance your research.

Include a title page and 2-3 references. Only one reference can be from the Internet (not Wikipedia).


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