HUM 106 ?Turkish Modern Art Turkish Modern Art: Apply What You Have Learned! Please respond to the following: Choose one (you can choose to discuss all t | Homework Answers

HUM 106 ?Turkish Modern Art Turkish Modern Art: Apply What You Have Learned!

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HUM 106 ?Turkish Modern Art Turkish Modern Art: Apply What You Have Learned! Please respond to the following: Choose one (you can choose to discuss all t | Homework Answers
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Choose one (you can choose to discuss all three) of the pieces of Turkish Modern art that are provided in the powerpoint and analyze it in terms of style, movement, color, etc. In your opinion what movements have we studied thus far do you see in these paintings? Is there a combination of movements (i.e. cubism and expressionism, etc) or does one movement stand out? How do you read these paintings? What stands out to you? What could be the social commentary or the meaning behind these works?

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