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Week Two Discussion: Versailles, Velázquez, and Rubens–Please answer all of the questions listed below–

  • Versailles contains symbols of power and absolute monarchy. Pick a feature of the palace you admire and explain how you would use this as a setting for a computer program or a board game. What would happen in this setting? Who would be featured in the game (the king? the queen? noblemen?).
  • Use the text as a source and research on line for a computer program to discuss. Consider the gardens, Hall of Mirrors, the layout of the palace itself, the furniture, the number of rooms, and paintings. Here is a link to a website that discusses how to design a game:



RE: Week 2 | Discussion [WK 2]

Versailles contains symbols of power and absolute monarchy. Pick a feature of the palace you admire and explain how you would use this as a setting for a computer program or a board game. What would happen in this setting? Who would be featured in the game (the king? the queen? noblemen?).

  • Use the text as a source and research on line for a computer program to discuss. Consider the gardens, the Hall of mirrors, the layout of the palace itself, the furniture, the number of rooms, and paintings.

I would choose the layout of the gardens for a board game. The goal of the game would be for a person to be the first to make it to the center of the garden, traveling from the outside edges and continuing towards the middle. At times you may be prompted to take certain routes, which may or may not be helpful to you, but helps another player. Also, there would be cards with instructions for the players to follow, and the number of moves a player initially makes would b determined by rolling the dice. Characters in the game would include the king, queen, noblemen, members of the royal court and peasants. It would resemble games such as Clue, Monopoly, the Game of Life, and a game my family and I play called Quelf.

As for the second question, I chose a program from Game Skinny in an article written by Yasmin Curren (2014), titled Shadow Realms Announced from Bioware. It features a setting where everyday people experience strange, paranormal, and out-of-body situations, for a new RPG game on personal computers. It’s story-driven, where you stand against another player that’s the enemy, and it offers 4v1 dynamic cooperative game play. (Curren, 2014) That being said, I could use the Hall of mirrors as the setting for this type of program, whereas the player goes throughout the hall searching for clues back to reality, and in doing so chooses a mirror hoping it will be the right one. Only, in choosing certain mirrors can cause any of the types of situations to happen to the player (that is, paranormal, psychotic episodes, etc….). The only way to escape the hall is to guess correctly.


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