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Online Assignment #3

Chapter 9: Suicide

1. Read Chapter 9 – Suicide

  1. Develop an Infographic that will contain a minimum (more is fine) of three 3 statistics/ facts associated with suicide.
  2. All information in your Infographic must be cited on the graphic itself.
  3. Send a link via email by midnight on the due date.

*An Infographic organizes data in a creative way using shapes, numbers, and graphics. You may use the software provided by one of the websites listed below (or another of your choice) to sign up for a free account to create your infographic online using the instructions provided by the website.

i will provide you with singing in info

I do not have the chapter but the text that we use is Sue, D., Sue, D. W., Sue, S., & Sue, D. M. (2016).

Understanding abnormal behavior (11






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