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Paper 3: Literary Analysis, Synthesis, & Research on Junot Diaz’ This Is How You Lose Her

Background: We have spent quite a bit of time reading, discussing, and analyzing Diaz’s stories, as well as considering ideas about what it means to be a good, bad, ethical, unethical person; that is to say, questions of morality.

Assignment: In a 5-7 page literary analysis paper, in MLA format, double-spaced with a list of Works Cited, please answer the following question: How do Junot Diaz’s characters speak to issues of morality? What, for example, does it mean to make ethical choices, to be a ‘good’ person? Use textual evidence from This Is How You Lose Her and your research to reveal your answer to your reader. You may also, of course, cite and refer to our class discussions, your posts, and any other ideas that have come out in the last few weeks.


  • A clear, direct, and powerful thesis statement that answers the prompt above.
  • Direct quotations or references to at least two academic articles written about or related to This Is How You Lose Her.
  • Textual examples from the stories themselves and deep analysis of those moments as they help prove your thesis.
  • A conclusion that answers the question: “Why does all of this matter to you, dear reader?”
  • MLA format (12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced with 1-inch margins), including a Works Cited list. OWL Note: Purdue’s website has a helpful link about MLA format and citation if you would like to take a look. I will also send that link out to you.


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