Identify at least two sections of the standards (e.g., environment of care, leadership). | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

This assignment must be done on Grant Memorial Hospital in Petersburg West Virginia.

Make revisions to the Week 4 assignment based on your instructor’s and peers’ feedback. The assignment from Week 4 is listed below:

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Identify at least two sections of the standards (e.g., environment of care, leadership). | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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Deliverable Length- SWOT analysis and 3–4 paragraphs on the Joint Commission (Part I)

Part I

Review The Joint Commission standards for the type of health care organization that you chose in Week 1 and that you have used throughout this course.


Identify at least two sections of the standards (e.g., environment of care, leadership).

Describe how these sections are implemented in your selected health care facility.

Make recommendations for improvement.

Part II

An integral part of the strategic planning process is to gather information. One method of doing this is by conducting a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. Now that you have reviewed your chosen standards, you will examine the impact of both internal and external forces on your chosen facility.

Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen facility that examines the forces that may affect the facility.

  • Be sure to pay particular attention to the issues of financing, productivity, and marketing, as well as others you feel have the potential to impact the facility.

Present your SWOT analysis using a standard SWOT analysis matrix.

  • Below your SWOT analysis, identify and discuss at least one issue from each section of your SWOT analysis in further detail in an effort to analyze why you feel the chosen issue may have the greatest impact on the facility.
  • When discussing your weakness and threats, be sure to include:

1–2 goals that should be created to improve in these areas

A brief description (1–2 paragraphs) of a plan of action to improve in these area that includes how you will accomplish the goals that you set in the first bullet point. In an action plan, there is usually a time frame, steps to how you plan to meet the goals you set, and how you will measure the goals.


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