Identity and Diversity | Get Quick Solution
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CONTEXT – This essay is a reflection on your multifaceted social identity at this time in your life and a statement about how you are beginning to understand yourself in a diverse world as you prepare to launch into your imagined best future. In this essay, identify the personal and social characteristics of your life according to relevant and valued diverse group memberships, i.e., ethnicity, race, gender, national origin, religious affiliation, political preference, economic status, abilities, interests, educational and professional aspirations, etc. This will be a first-person narrative reflecting on the question: Who am I and how can I understand and contribute to a diverse workplace?
The essay should be a personal reflection on your present-day awareness of social identity, not only of yourself but also of others. It should not be limited to a literal telling of each demographic or social group with which you might be affiliated. Your social identity is an accumulation and integration of diverse and multifaceted connections, experiences and social relationships that make you who you are as a person, and provides you with a sense of social belonging. In other words, what makes you unique and complex as a human being? Also, how would you imagine your emerging social identity in such a way that you will become more connected, relevant, interesting and effective in a future business or career setting? The readings from the first two weeks of class provide the background for this prompt. It is expected that your essay will include reference to these works as evidence of your understanding.
ESSAY PROMPT – Who am I? What is my social identity: from which groups do I derive my values, interests, preferences, biases and commitments? How does my identification with these groups help me achieve and/or limit me today? How might my developing social identity help me to create future opportunity, contribute to a diverse workplace and point the way ahead in my professional life?
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