Introduction of Sexuality | Get Quick Solution

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Introduction of Sexuality | Get Quick Solution
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For this short paper (2-3 pages), you will interview someone about their experiences and perspectives on sexual identity, behavior, and community. You can interview anyone over 18 years of age, including yourself! Please use the following questions:

  • When you hear the world “sexuality” what is the first thing you think about? Or: how would you define “sexuality”?
  • When do you first remembering learning about sex or sexuality? How did the adults (family, teachers, etc.) talk about (or not talk) about sex and sexuality?
  • Did you receive any formal education about sexuality (at school, community center, church, etc.)? What topics did they cover? How did they understand “sex” or “sexuality”?
  • What are some of the norms around sexuality in your community? HINT: if the person you’re interviewing doesn’t know what a norm is, explain it to them!
    • What happens when someone violates a norm?
  • Do you consider yourself part of a sexual community? Why or why not? If yes, describe it.

Submit: typed responses to the interviewee’s answer and about 2 paragraphs of your own reflection on what it was like to conduct the interview and what you learned from the process.


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