Journal Reflection and Direction–Resume and Cover Letter | Get Quick Solution

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In the first paragraph of your journal entry discuss one insight you have gained from each of the three readings. Then in your second paragraph, explain how what you have learned from each article could influence the rhetorical impact of your resume or cover letter.

For example, how will what you have learned influence the tone of your resume or cover letter, or how will what you have learned affect your choice of words or the content you will include in your resume and cover letter? Another way of thinking of the rhetorical impact you will have on your reader is to think of what you will need to say in order to make a favorable impression. What will you need to emphasize and how do you need to word your texts so that your reader will see you as an ideal candidate for an internship or employment?

MLA formating, double space, two pages. Please source the three readings at separate page.


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