Key Terms from Chapters 13-15 | Get Quick Solution

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Key Terms from Chapters 13-15 | Get Quick Solution
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Chapters 13-15 go together pretty well. You will find “key terms” listed at the beginning of each chapter. You can also find other key concepts by looking at the headings for various parts of the chapters. For example, on page 455 you can see “Extracting Wealth: Mercantilism.” (“Mercantilism” is a great key term.) Any key event, person, or concept you can identify in the chapters will do well for this discussion.

If you are the first person to write about a key term, please write a paragraph about why you think this key term is important to what we are learning. Discuss the key term in the context of the chapter(s) and share some of what you learned. If you are the first person to write about a key term, it is appropriate to start a discussion about the term by replying directly to this post, and put the key term in bold. If someone else has brought up the key term already, you can reply to that person and add more insights about how the key term is important.

Please make sure you do at least three posts; at least two of these posts need to be responses to other students. When you reply to other students, please address them by name.

Please limit each post to about a paragraph, or perhaps two short paragraphs. Please make sure you are adding something new to the discussion, and remember to emphasize how the key term is important to understanding the time period we are studying.

Please join the forum by the due date listed. The forum will continue to be open to the following Monday to allow for additional replies and to help students with the essays and reflections related to these chapters.


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