Life And Career Of Rutherford Hayes & Thomas Edison Discussions Hello, – Half page for each questions that you select – Must answer Tow questions | Homework Answers

Life And Career Of Rutherford Hayes & Thomas Edison Discussions Hello,

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Life And Career Of Rutherford Hayes & Thomas Edison Discussions Hello, – Half page for each questions that you select – Must answer Tow questions | Homework Answers
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– Must answer Tow questions

Please check the attachment Answer TWO of the following essays in the Blue Books. Use
the entire time (45 minutes) if necessary, and organize and
PRINT your answer.
(1) Describe the life and career of Rutherford B. Hayes,
including his importance as a President, Ohioan, and
leading figure of his age.
(2) Describe the background of Thomas Edison, and his
significance in Ohio history.
(3) Examine the early life of Annie Oakley and her
development into one of the great entertainers of
the United States.

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