Look up the original article in reference | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Please turn this assignment in on time as I do not accept late assignments. Thanks An article appeared in the Wall Street about a woman who worked at MIT for many years. The title of the article: “Excellent at her job or Not–She Lied”. Marlee Jones served as director of admissions at MIT for may years, and did and did an outstanding job. She was fired because she had lied on her resume that she had graduated from college. In fact, she had not graduated form college.

Do you agree that she should be fired despite the fact she did an outstanding job in her role as director of admissions at MIT? Please support your answer. Two to three paragraphs is sufficient. It is NOT necessary to look up the original article in reference to the discussion question. All you need to do is to read the case provided here and answer the question as presented here. For example, if you think she should be fired, then provide reasons why she should be fired. If you, on the other hand, think she should keep her job, give reasons for supporting your decision. As in every good decision, one should always think about the consequences (outcomes of the decision).

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