Mad about Plaid: Castlebridge’s Brand Issues Refer to the HBR case Mad About Plaid and complete the following tasksTask 1. Design an executive summary for | Homework Answers

Mad about Plaid: Castlebridge’s Brand Issues Refer to the HBR case Mad About Plaid and complete the following tasksTask 1. Design an executive summary for the case highlighting all the critical points of the case. Half page Task 2. Describe in details the brand issue facing the company presented in the case give examples from the case to support your identification of the issue. one page Task 3. Design three (3) recommendations resolve this brand related issue, explain your recommendations through examples from the case, examples from real-life, and the academic theory discussed in class and in the textbook. theory of value and promotion and price. 2 pages Purchase answer to see full

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Mad about Plaid: Castlebridge’s Brand Issues Refer to the HBR case Mad About Plaid and complete the following tasksTask 1. Design an executive summary for | Homework Answers
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