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The goal of this assignment is to translate a scholarly article written for your field of study for a public audience.

There are three parts to this assignment:

  • locate, read, and analyze a recently published (within the last 12-24 months) scholarly article in your academic discipline that addresses a topic of interest to you and the general public
  • “translate” (rewrite) the article in a new genre appropriate to a public audience
  • write a reflective analysis about the choices you made as you wrote your translation


After completing this assignment, you should be able to

  • analyze the rhetorical features of scholarly writing in your discipline and public writing
  • Identify the conventions of various genres of scholarly, professional, and public writing
  • To write with an awareness of how the rhetorical situation and rhetorical context influence the structure, language, and reference conventions (SLRs) writers use to achieve their purpose in writing to specific audiences.



After you choose your article, read it carefully so that you understand what it conveys. Next, identify a new audience and genre for your translation of the article. The objective is to shift the audience from an academic one to a public one.

You may choose to write a magazine article to a general audience of people interested in your field, a newspaper article that reports research findings, or a press release like the student sample included in this lesson.

Notice that once you change audiences, then the form in which you report will need to shift as well. The genre you produce will be contingent on the audience you’re targeting and the rhetorical context (magazine article, newspaper article, press release, etc.).


Closely analyze an example or two of the kind of genre you’re attempting to create and consider how those genre examples fulfill the expectations of the target audience. Your project will be assessed according to its ability to reproduce those genre expectations, so you will need to explain, in detail, the rhetorical changes and other choices you had to make in the construction of your piece. Be sure that you’re able to explain the rhetorical choices you make in writing your translation. Consider all four elements of the rhetorical context: author, audience, topic, purpose.


At this point, you’re ready to begin constructing or translating the article into the new genre. The genre you’re producing could take any number of forms. As such, the form structure, and development of your ideas are contingent on the genre of public reporting you’re attempting to construct. If you’re constructing a magazine article, for example, then the article you produce should really look like one that would appear in a magazine. Try to mirror how the genre would appear in a real situation.


Once your translation is complete, compose a reflective analysis. As part of your analysis, consider the rhetorical choices you made as you constructed your translation. Offer a rational for each of your decisions that connects the features of your transition to your larger rhetorical context. For example, if you had to translate the title of the scholarly article for a public audience, explain why your new title is the most appropriate on for your public audience.

Failure to include a good faith response in the reflective analysis results in an automatic 10-point deduction (or one letter grade) in grade.


The Discipline Project does not require you to incorporate secondary sources, but if you feel it is appropriate to your reader and the genre you chose, then do so. Just make sure to include a references page at the end of the essay.

It is more important to think about how you will incorporate evidence from the scholarly article you are translating. Public audiences appreciate a quotation or two, but you will find that you need to rely more heavily on summary and paraphrase in translating the article for a general reader. Summary and paraphrase sometimes require citations depending on the chosen genre.


CITE all information that does not originate with you.

  • Use the format/design for the genre you chose that is appropriate for your public audience
  • Use the documentation style and manuscript format for your chosen public genre.

If not otherwise included, a link to the scholarly article being translated should be included at the end of the project.

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