Making a brochure | Browse Homework Help

Making a brochure

Ques. #1 : The Project: make a brochure €“ can just be a word document and doesn’t have to formatted like one but if you know how to do it that’s even better.
You have been hired by a travel agency that caters to well-educated, culturally sensitive clients who travel to learn as much as they can about the wider world. A substantial number are interested in archaeology, ancient history, and human paleontology, but they insist on travel itineraries that relate to a theme or region that is archaeologically significant. Your boss wants you to develop a travel package or trip that will appeal to her clientele and provide the proof she needs to hire you as full time, regular staff.
Your task: Develop a thematic travel itinerary and brochure for a 10-day anthropological excursion to any part of the globe that visits five (5) specific archaeological or paleoanthropology sites (early man). Your itinerary must include at least 5 sites from one of the regions listed below. You will be required to provide information about each site including what they will see, the importance of it, the approximate age, who discovered it if known and why they should see it. Basically you are to sell them as to why the particular site is important and worth visiting. Also include the species of early man involved where applicable. You will need to include photos and possibly maps of the sites will need to be included. Please note that all text must be presented in your own words€“downloading or copying site or museum descriptions from published sources, either in print or on the web, is inappropriate.
The HiIDen Agenda: The travel agency is an arm of a non-profit organization whose mission is to increase awareness about cultural diversity, provide education, and enhance the preservation of cultural and historical resources around the globe. Your boss is integral to the non-profit’s mission and is especially concerned that many indigenous communities and archaeological sites aredisappearing under the axe of global economic development. She wishes to communicate these ethics and the need for preservation to her clients who travel on the agency’s excursions. €“Please excuse the formatting below!
1. Decide on the specific region of your trip from the list below (Europe, Asia or Africa €“ Sorry about the formatting). Why should the clientele be interested in this trip?
Africa Asia & Australia Europe
Hadar Java Terra Amata
Laetoli ZhoukoudianSteinheim
Taung Lake Mungo Atapuerca
Sterkfontein Sannai Maruyama Neander Valley
Kalambo Falls Jericho DolniVestoice
Elands Bay Cave Catalhoyuk Lascaus
Omo AinMallaha Pincevent
Oduvai Gorge Shanidar Vedbek
Lake Turkana Abu Hureyra LaChapelle Aux Saints
Swartkrans Ban Po Sunghir (Russia)
Klassies River Mouth Caves Mehrgarh Krems-Wachtberg
Romito Cave

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4. Logistics and Budget. Please provide a summary of charges for your clients including an overall ballpark airfare quote as well as citing at least one hotel per site and how much it will cost.

5. Conclusion. Summarize briefly what your clients will learn on this trip. Give the pitch for the importance of cultural and historic preservation€“how will this trip raise awareness? Finish off with a three-sentence advertising blurb, including a name for the excursion€“make it catchy.


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