MGMT365 Performance Appraisal Method questions Provide a detailed answer to the following questions. 1.) Select three distinct jobs of your choice. Go to

MGMT365 Performance Appraisal Method questions Provide a detailed answer to the following questions.

1.) Select three distinct jobs of your choice. Go to the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). Review the major tasks for each job. Then, for each job, identify what you believe is the most appropriate performance appraisal method. Discuss the rationale for each choice.

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MGMT365 Performance Appraisal Method questions Provide a detailed answer to the following questions. 1.) Select three distinct jobs of your choice. Go to
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2.) Using the same three jobs from question number 1, identify a specific incentive plan for each job that you believe would be beneficial for the company and its employees. Discuss the rationale for each choice.

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