Module 4 week 8 Discussion: Data Analysis Ideas | Get Quick Solution

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Discussion: Data Analysis Ideas

The inclusion of both quantitative and qualitative data should add to the rigor of your study. Analyzing and integrating data can be time consuming, but it is often the fertile ground from which you harvest the stories and meanings of your study. Pay close attention to how you enter data into software, and keep linking your data analysis choices to your questions and framework.

To prepare:

  • Review relevant materials from your qualitative and quantitative courses. Think about what you learned in relationship to data analyses.
  • Review the Learning Resources for this module.
  • Consider your work in Module 3 related to instrument selection and issues of trustworthiness and validity.
  • Reflect on the issues and problems you anticipate as you plan for, collect and analyze data for the Assignment in this module. How might you respond to these challenges with the support of your peers and the Instructor?
  • Consider what data analysis strategy or strategies are the most appropriate for your research questions and data.

By Day 3 of Week 8

Construct a 2- to 3-paragraph post that identifies the qualitative and quantitative approaches you will use to analyze your data. Explain why you have chosen these particular strategies and tests; and tell how you have addressed, or plan to address, any potential for validity, reliability and trustworthiness issues that you have identified.


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