Null mutation of the gene for catabolite activator protein | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

You have recovered a strain of E. coli with a null mutation of the gene for catabolite activator protein (CAP). Which of the following do you expect to be true regarding the expression of a completely wild-type operon? Please note, more than one may be true.

A) Both beta-gal and permease will be made constitutively.

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B) CAP protein will be bound irreversibly to the lac promoter.

C) Other operons coding for enzymes of degradative pathways for other sugars (e.g. maltose, arabinose, etc.) will be effectively non-inducible?

D) The lac repressor will be unable to bind to the operator when lactose is absent.

E) The lac repressor will be unable to bind to the operator when lactose is present.

F) cAMP alone will bind to the CAP binding site at the lac promoter.



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